My Hyperspace

The #1 Interdimensional Homepage This Side of the Big Bang!
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Characters within the same universe category canonically take place within the same universe (duh). Storyline categories within universes are entirely separate, self-contained stories that may take place in different time periods. Characters in different storylines do not canonically interact.

Universe A

Science Fiction

Billions of light-years away from Earth, the depths of space are teeming with life. Uncountable galactic and intergalactic nations thrive, far more technologically advanced than humans.

Storyline A

Takes place within the not-too-distant future. The Spacemen, a race of aliens suspiciously similar to humans, use disguised observation ships to secretly study Earth. All is well until a freak accident causes one spaceman to crash land on Earth.

Sir Heins
Storyline B

A fire-loving alien from an ice-loving colony seeks to impress their matriarch with a friend they picked up along the way. (Time period as it pertains to Earth is irrelevant, as Earth is not involved in their storyline at all.)

Storyline C

Takes place within the mid-late 2000s. A secret government base that studies alien life and houses captured specimens accidentally releases a dangerous and highly intelligent alien parasite. It takes a random unaffiliated human as it's host.

Universe B


Takes place in the late 90s. Pretty much just Earth, but with clowns and mimes as separate species that live alongside humans. Toootally platonic human and mime/clown roommates that live in a (very) low quality basement apartment.

Universe C

Medieval Fantasy

Takes place in the distant past, within a land of humans, elves, dragons, and other such species. The land of Cerranhythe is ruled with an iron fist by a sadistic half-dragon half-man king, who seeks only to spread misery and obtain riches.

Universe D

Urban Fantasy

Takes place roughly around the current day. While magic and spirits exist, humans have long since become detached and are unaware of the true existence of magic. A vast woodland bordered by fields and valleys comes into contact with humans for the first time as the area begins being developed.
