My Hyperspace
Sir Heins
  • 28
  • Cisgender male
  • He/him
  • Spaceman
  • 6'0" / 183cm
  • Heteroromantic asexual
  • ENTP-T
  • MyHyperspace URL:
Heins' Interests
Likes/Interests Enjoys travelling and seeing the world(s), and trying new things. Hobbies include sewing and modding technology. Favourite colour is the colour red, and favourite food is Dippin' Dots.
Dislikes Not fond of babies or following set rules. Doesn't really enjoy sleeping, it freaks him out.
Heins' Stats
Strength 4/5, fairly muscular
Intelligence 2/5, not his strong suit
Dexterity 3/5
Communication 3/5
Literacy 2/5
Cooking 0/5, nope
Combat 4/5, surprisingly skilled
Stealth 3/5
Handling Animals 2/5, a bit too excitable
Pacifying Children 2/5, kids like him but he does not like them back
Happiness 4/5
Patience 1/5
Confidence 4/5
Charisma 4/5, mostly just from being confident
Generosity 3/5
Aggression 1/5
Empathy 3/5
Heins' Blurbs
Sir Heins Spaceman was once a low-class miner working in the intergalactic nation of spacemen known as Masivus. In spite of their close ressemblance and similar culture to humans, they actually originate billions of years away. Due to their similarities, Masivus scientists secretly observe and study humanity, in order to figure out how they are so similar. While illegally hitching a ride on a friend's camouflaged Earth observation ship, the ship was impacted, and Heins flung into space. Heins survived the initial crash, and his suit kept him unconscious but alive in space.

When the suit awoke him due to low oxygen levels, he found himself clinging to a human spaceship, and climbed aboard. He then encountered Rue, a janitor on the ship, who agreed to keep his presence a secret until they returned to Earth. However, upon returning to Earth, Heins managed to convince Rue to let him stay with her at her place. He currently remains her roommate and lives on her couch, until they find a way to get him back to his colony. Unbeknownst to Rue, he actually has no plans of returning, and much prefers Earth to life in the Masivus colony.

Sir Heins is very confident, but also very naive. He is very openly emotional, and he has a tendency to overshare, which often forces Rue to explain his unusual behaviour to humans. While he sometimes comes off as dimwitted and childish, he is surprisingly sufficient in combat, with excellent reaction time and surprising strength. His confidence makes him charismatic to others, so he makes friends easily.

While mostly ressembling a human, Heins has some visible non-human traits, the most obvious being the reddish skin markings on his upper face and his chest, his third eyelid (nictating membrane), and his second mirrored thumb. When brought up by other people, Rue explains his markings as a birthmark, and the second thumb as a form of polydactyly. As for the third eyelid, she just hopes people don't notice.
  • - Full name at birth is Heins Spaceman. The 'Sir' prefix is standard for addressing adult males in the Masivus colony, and he is pretty insistent on people using it
  • - He wears his suit (without the helmet) as often as he can, but typically cannot wear it in public because it will raise suspicion
  • - The suit is made of a very durable material, when the main suit body is struck with metal it causes sparks to fly
  • - A lot of the functions of the suit are broken, he mainly wears it because it's comfortable
Heins' Associated Characters
Heins has 1 associated character.