My Hyperspace
  • 20-something
  • Genderless
  • She/it/he/any
  • Xomunai
  • 5'3" / 160cm
  • Orientation unknown
  • ISFP-A
  • MyHyperspace URL:
Rogue's Interests
Likes/Interests Obsessed with flames, explosions, and weaponry. Enjoys hunting non-sophont aliens for sport. Is friends with Rogue2, but tries not to show affection toward them.
Dislikes Most people... and most things... Averse to cold temperatures.
Rogue's Stats
Strength 4/5
Intelligence 3/5
Dexterity 3/5
Communication 0/5, only communicates via Xomunai cipher
Literacy 3/5
Cooking 5/5, likes baking especially
Combat 4/5
Stealth 4/5
Handling Animals 1/5
Pacifying Children 0/5
Happiness 2/5
Patience 0/5
Confidence 5/5
Charisma 0/5, everyone is scared of their ass
Generosity 0/5
Aggression 5/5, aggressive to a fault
Empathy 1/5
Rogue's Blurbs
Rogue was ostracized by their ice-loving colony due to their love for fire. Wanting to impress the matriarch of their colony, she decided to go off on her own to prove how powerful fire can be. He works as a bounty hunter and hitman, but will take up just about any dirty jobs for money. They drag around their friend (who they will not admit to liking) Rogue2 to assist them and explore the galaxy.
  • - Communicates exclusively with a kind of cipher that only Rogue2 and others of their own species understand
  • - Can retract claws and frills on sides of face
  • - As name suggests, has a nomadic lifestyle
  • - Never grew out of their teenage angst
  • - Solves most problems via flamethrower
Rogue's Associated Characters
Rogue has 1 associated character.