My Hyperspace
  • 28
  • Demiboy
  • He/they
  • Pierrot mime/stilt clown
  • 8'0" / 244cm
  • Questioning orientation
  • ISTJ-A
  • MyHyperspace URL:
Omen's Interests
Likes/Interests Likes goth-style clothing and wearing heels. Sometimes writes poetry in their free time, but keeps it hidden from other people when they can. Has somewhat of an affinity for shiny objects. Loves food, especially the food Glenn cooks. Likes spiders and bats. Is very good "friends" with Glenn.
Dislikes Bright lights, crowds, enclosed spaces, and loud noises.
Omen's Stats
Strength 2/5, dry spaghetti noodle
Intelligence 4/5
Dexterity 3/5, a bit clumsy due to his height
Communication 3/5, tends to shut down when pressured
Literacy 5/5
Cooking 2/5, sucks ass at it
Combat 1/5, no
Stealth 1/5, could probably be good at it if he wasn't so tall
Handling Animals 4/5
Pacifying Children 1/5, does not like kids at all
Happiness 2/5, Major Depressive Disorder gets in the way
Patience 4/5
Confidence 1/5, poor thing
Charisma 2/5, depends on your definition
Generosity 4/5
Aggression 3/5, can get a bit angsty or irritable
Empathy 3/5
Omen's Blurbs
Omen is a stilt clown/pierrot mime mix who lives in a cheap apartment with their roommate Glenn. He tends to be a bit of a downer, prone to bouts of pessimism and nervousness. He works at minimum wage at a burger place, a job that he hates, but prefers to primarily relying on his parents for money. They often let Glenn test his inventions or experiments on them, so far to no adverse effects. (physically, at least) He struggles with his sexuality and gets defensive when it's brought up.
  • - Full name is Omen Unstead. Omen is a self-chosen name, and not his birth name.
  • - Is part stilt clown, meaning he has naturally very long legs. He also likes wearing heels, which make him 4" taller than he already is.
  • - Can speak mime (a language made up of whistling noises, clicks, and gestures)
  • - Has blue blood (typical of mimes)
  • - Nervous tendencies and pessimistic attitude
  • - Lost his left arm to osteomyelitis at the age of 24
  • - Chooses not to use prosthesis, usually cuts left sleeve of their clothing to free up stump (which is typically covered with a sock, hard to see due to their pale skin)
Omen's Associated Characters
Omen has 1 associated character.